Non selective control of all grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as onion weed, bamboo, lantana, blackberry and unwanted trees. Absorbed by the foliage, the active ingredient is translocated down to the roots to destroy the weed, roots and all. First signs are a gradual yellowing and wilting of the plant. This advances to a complete browning of the entire weed and the death of the root.
Effective, economical and easy control of weeds and grasses in rockeries, garden beds, paths, driveways, along fencelines and lawn edges
Perfect for clearing garden beds before planting and clearing areas prior to planting new lawns
Glyphosate travels from the foliage to the roots, and it kills weeds roots and all
Non residual.
Concentrated formula – 200mL makes up to 50L of spray
Easy to use measure bottle
1 L
Active constituent is 490 g / L Glyphosate as isopropylamine salt
DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 6 hours.DO NOT disturb treated weeds for two weeks (visible symptoms will usually appear in 7-10 days).
Broad leaf weeds and grasses including annual ryegrass, barnyard grass, buffalo, kikuyu, nutgrass, paspalum, prairie grass, rhodes grass, sorrel and winter grass
Rate: 4 – 8 mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply to actively growing plants, apply to grass weeds when seed head begins to form and to flowering plants when flower buds first develop. Spray all foliage until just wet. Repeat treatment for perennial species.
Onion weed
Rate: 8mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply just before or at flowering
Oxalis species (soursob)
Rate: 8mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply when actively flowering
Rate: 11mL per L of waterHow to apply: Leaf Spray: Cut stems to ground level. Spray regrowth when 1m high.
Rate: 8mL per 60 mL of waterHow to apply: Stem Treatment: Cut stems back to 20cm high. Pour the mixture down the hollow stem or paint freshly cut stems.
Couch, guinea grass, lantana
Rate: 11mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply when actively growing
Rate: 11mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply from flowering to leave fall. Complete foliage cover is essential. Spray re-growth next season if nessessary. Do not spray plants bearing edible fruit
Pampas grass
Rate: 11mL per L of waterHow to apply: Apply when actively growing before flowering
Unwanted trees
Rate: 103mL per L of waterHow to apply: Cut tree close to the ground when actively growing and soak the cut surface using a spray or paint brush.
DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 6 hours
DO NOT disturb treated weeds for two weeks (visible symptoms will usually appear in 7-10 days).
Corrosive to many metals
Do not allow spray to contact or drift onto plants you do not want killed. Hose off immediately if accidentally sprayed
Thoroughly clean all equipment after use
DO NOT re-use containers for other purposes
DO NOT allow chemical containers or spray to get into drains, sewers, streams or ponds