Solanum lycopersicum cvs.
How to Grow Tomatoes
Tomatoes are one of the most popular backyard vegies. Home-grown Tomatoes are full of flavour and can be picked at their tastiest and sun-ripened best. There are large varieties that are ideal for growing in vegie patches and compact varieties for small garden spaces and pots.
Tomatoes are easy to grow and can be very productive too, if you follow some simple feeding, watering and insect and disease protection steps. Spring is a great time to start growing Tomatoes in Australia. Here's how to get growing!
Climate Zone, When and Where to Grow
Climate zone: Tomatoes can be grown in all climate zones around Australia.
When to grow: In tropical and subtropical climates, they can be grown all year round, but are best in autumn and winter, during the dry season. In temperate, cool and cold climates, sow from spring. To get a head start on the season, you can sow seeds indoors in late winter and transplant them into pots or garden beds once the risk of frost has passed. Wait until seedlings are at least 5 cm tall before transplanting.
Where to grow: Grow Tomatoes in a sunny spot that receives at least six hours of sun a day, in a well-drained garden bed or pot.
Growing time: Depending on the climate and variety, Tomatoes will be ready to harvest 10-12 weeks after planting.
When to harvest: Harvest tomatoes when the fruit is plump and red (or yellow, depending on the variety).
How to harvest : Gently hold the fruit in one hand and twist until the vine snaps. The stalk should remain attached. You can also use garden snips to harvest tomatoes, especially if you want to ensure a clean cut and minimise damage to the plant.
Full Sun
Regular Watering
Fertile & Well-Drained Soil
Suitable for All Climates
Warm Season Sowing - Depends on Variety & Climate
Harvest 10-12 Weeks After Sowing - Depends on Variety