Autumn Gardening Calendar

Autumn is the best time of year for planting! With the heat of summer fading and the soil still warm, plants can grow strong roots. Get your vegie patch pumping with crucifers like Broccoli and Cauliflower; root vegies like Garlic and Carrots; as well as Sugarsnap and Snow Peas, and Leafy Greens. Beautify your garden with flowering plants like Sweet Peas and Camellias. Reinvigorate your lawn by feeding and over-sowing, or install a brand new one. Happy gardening!

Autumn Gardening Calendar

Autumn Gardening Tips

March Gardening TipsThe beginning of autumn is here and it's a wonderful season to get out into the garden. It's time to improve the health of your soil, plant Garlic and care for Citrus trees as harvest season approaches, create a gorgeous display of spring-flowering bulbs, reinvigorate your lawn with 'easy-as' autumn lawn care tips and spray now to stop Winter Grass from taking over the lawn.

April Gardening TipsWith the cooler weather comes more gardening opportunities. Plant flowering annuals like Sweet Peas, and keep uninvited guests, like the Cabbage White Butterfly away from your Brassicas. Camellias are flowering now, so it's a good time to head to your local nursery and grow in in the garden or pot. Get a Lime tree in the garden, too!

May Gardening TipsThere's plenty to grow and enjoy in the late-autumn garden. Snow Peas will provide a delicious crop over the cooler months, while flowering trees and shrubs put on a gorgeous seasonal display. And if you've ever wanted to start composting, now's a good time.

Planting Ideas? Check out our seasonal gardening calendars for the rest of the year!

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