Green Vegetable Bug Control in Your Garden
Hemiptera : Pentatomidae : Nezara viridula
Green Vegetable Bug (Nezara viridula) is a sap-sucking pest with a worldwide distribution that was first reported in Australia in 1916. Green Vegetable Bug can now be found in all Australian states and territories. It is a significant pest in eastern Australia from south-eastern Queensland, through New South Wales, to northern Victoria.
Green Vegetable Bugs release a smelly defensive fluid when threatened, which gives rise to a common name used overseas for this bug – 'Green Stink Bug'. Confusingly, the insect known in Australia as 'Green Stink Bug' is the native bug Plautia affinis. It's important to know that common names may indicate different insects to different people, but a scientific name is only used for a single insect by all scientists everywhere.