Grow a Butterfly Garden
Watching butterflies fluttering around the garden is a wonderful sight, and it provides a great opportunity for kids to understand the life cycle of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

Watching butterflies fluttering around the garden is a wonderful sight, and it provides a great opportunity for kids to understand the life cycle of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
There are more than 400 butterfly species in Australia. They love visiting flowers that are rich in sugary nectar and are particularly fond of brightly coloured yellow, orange, red and purple flowers. It's ideal to grow plants in your garden that flower at different times of the year and include a wide range of flowering plants to attract a wider variety of butterflies. Butterflies can also help pollinate flowers and some vegetables and fruit and nut trees, so they're fantastic garden helpers too.
Butterfly-attracting plants can be grown in a sunny garden bed and also in pots on balconies and patios. Both the flowers and the butterflies will put a smile on your face! Here are our top tips for creating a successful butterfly garden.
Some of the best nectar plants that will attract adult butterflies into your garden include:
If there are no caterpillars, there will be no butterflies, so it's also important to include caterpillar host plants in your garden. Some of the best food plants for caterpillars include:
Butterflies will need access to water, so providing them with a water source is another way to encourage them to stay in your garden. A shallow pot plant saucer is perfect. You may often see butterflies drinking from muddy puddles. Not only do they use puddles for hydration, but also the minerals found in the water. You can recreate this (called a Butterfly Puddler) by adding some soil, beach sand and flat stones to a shallow dish of water. Soil and sand add minerals and the stones provide a place for the butterflies to land. Place your butterfly puddler in a quiet, sunny spot in your garden that has shelter from wind.
An easy way to grow a patch of flowers that butterflies will love is to sow a packet of Yates Butterfly Beneficial Insect Mix seed. This mix contains a vibrant blend of nectar rich flowers to attract and provide food for butterflies and also food for caterpillars.
Here are the simple steps to create a butterfly garden with Yates Butterfly Field seed mix:
1. Choose a bare sunny spot in the garden and dig some Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser into the soil.
2. Scatter the seed thinly over the soil and rake lightly into the surface. Firm down, water gently and keep moist throughout the germination period.
3. Tiny seedlings will emerge in 10-21 days.
4. Water the flower patch regularly and feed with liquid fertiliser like Yates Thrive® Roses & Flowers Liquid Plant Food to help the plants grow and encourage lots of colourful flowers.
5. You'll start to see the first flowers after around 10 weeks, though results will vary depending on the climate and time of year.
So, create a butterfly friendly garden by growing some of their favourite flowers at your place, and enjoy watching these magnificent insects when they visit.