If you love the idea of spreading tangy homemade marmalade on hot buttered toast, it's time to grow a Seville orange.
Sometimes called a bitter or sour orange, Seville oranges (Citrus x aurantium) produce aromatic, intensely flavoured sour fruit with a thick rind. They're ideal for making marmalade as well as zesting and juicing for use in both sweet and savoury dishes.
Seville oranges are hardy trees that will grow in all but the coldest areas. Reaching 2-4 m tall they prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. They're fast growing attractive trees with deep green leaves, fragrant white flowers in spring and decorative vibrant fruit that ripens in winter.
When planting a new Seville orange tree into the ground, mix some Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser into the bottom of the planting hole. Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser improves the quality of the soil and supplies the newly planted orange with gentle, organic nutrients as it establishes.
Oranges, like other citrus, are heavy feeders and require lots of nutrients to support all the foliage, flowers and developing fruit. Feed orange trees
from spring to autumn with Yates® Thrive® Natural Citrus & Fruit Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food. Yates® Thrive® Natural Citrus & Fruit Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food contains a special combination of more than 50% natural ingredients, including Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser, boosted with fast acting fertilisers. It encourages healthy green leaf growth and is high in flower and fruit promoting potassium.
Keep Seville orange trees well-watered and apply
a layer of mulch around the root zone to help retain soil moisture. Keep mulch 5-10 cm away from the trunk itself to promote good air flow and reduce the chance of disease.