Jacaranda mimosifolia
How to Grow Jacaranda
Divine towering clouds of purple flowers in mid to late spring and early summer are a sure sign it's Jacaranda season in Australia! These stunning trees, native to South America, grow up to 15 m tall and 10 metres wide, have clusters of purple tubular flowers and make magnificent street and feature trees in large gardens. Losing their leaves in late winter, a fresh flush of delicate feathery bright green leaves emerge in spring, creating a beautiful umbrella-shaped shade tree as the weather warms up. Smaller and potted gardens can still enjoy a Jacaranda, with the introduction of compact varieties that grow to around 2.5 m tall.
Climate Zone, Where and When to Grow
Climate zone: Jacaranda trees grow best in frost-free temperate, tropical and subtropical climates. In cooler areas, protect young trees from frost until they are established.
When to grow: The best time to plant a Jacaranda tree is during winter, when they are dormant. However with care, Jacarandas can be planted year-round.
Where to grow: Grow a Jacaranda tree in a spot with at least six hours of direct sunlight, in well-drained moist soil. Dwarf varieties are suitable for pots.
Full sun
Deep & Well-Drained Soil
Tropical, Sub-Tropical, Frost-Free Temperate & Cool Climates
Water regularly when young, tolerant of drought-conditions once established.