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How to grow portulacas in a garden
Step 1
Choose a spot in the garden that receives full sun.
Step 2
Prepare the planting area well by digging in Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser.
Step 3
Sow seeds directly where they are to grow and lightly cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and water well.
Step 4
After sowing cover with a sheet of newspaper or cardboard to limit the light to the seeds.
Step 5
Water gently and keep moist through germination period. After germination remove newspaper or cardboard.
Step 6
Once seedlings are approximately 5 cm, mulch with organic mulch, such as bark chips, sugar cane or pea straw.
Step 7
Feed every 1 to 2 weeks with Yates Thrive All Purpose Liquid Plant Food.
Step 8
Once flower buds start to form feed with Yates Thrive Roses and Flowers Liquid Plant Food.

How to grow portulacas in a pot
Step 1
Choose a pot at least 200 mm wide and deep. Position in full sun.
Step 2
Fill the chosen pots with quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.
Step 3
Plant directly into the pot by pressing the seeds lightly into the surface of the pot. Lightly cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix.
Step 4
After sowing cover with a sheet of newspaper or cardboard to limit the light to the seeds.
Step 5
Water gently and keep moist through germination period. After germination remove newspaper or cardboard.
Step 6
Feed every 1 to 2 weeks with Yates Thrive All Purpose Liquid Plant Food.
Step 7
Once flower buds start to form feed with Yates Thrive Roses and Flowers Liquid Plant Food.
Growing tips
- Portulacas require light to germinate so ensure that the seeds are not sown too deeply.
- Avoid overwatering plants once established.
- Remove spent blooms to encourage further flowers.