Sweet green-fleshed honeydew melons are a summer favourite and are a delight in refreshing smoothies and healthy fruit salads. If you have a few spare square metres in a sunny garden bed, it's easy to grow your very own honeydew melons.
Yates® Honeydew Melon seed can be sown direct where the plants are to grow. Sow 3-4 seeds into mounds of moist soil, 1 m apart. Seedlings will appear in 6-10 days and then can be thinned to the two strongest plants. Once the plants are established, feed every 6 weeks with Yates Thrive® Natural Citrus & Fruit Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food.
Keep well watered until the first fruit starts to ripen (after around 15 – 20 weeks), then reduce watering to sweeten the fruit before picking. Harvest melons when the stem starts to break away from the fruit and for the best flavour, leave the fruit for a few days after picking.