Whether you whizz it up in a green smoothie, use in a stir fry, bake into chips, add to a frittata or mix in with pasta or rice dishes, kale is a healthy and versatile vegie that's become increasingly popular over recent years.
Yates Lamb's Lettuce does best in a full sun or semi shaded position. To improve the soil and give lamb's lettuce the best possible start, enrich the soil in the vegie patch beforehand with Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. It's as easy as mixing 150 g of pellets (around 2 adult handfuls) per square metre into the soil.
Growing to a petite 15 cm tall, Yates Lamb's Lettuce can also be grown in a pot that's been filled with a good quality potting mix like Yates Premium Potting Mix.
During April in temperate and cool areas around Australia sow seed of Yates Lamb's Lettuce 5 mm deep direct where they are to grow. Lamb's lettuce is not recommended for tropical and sub-tropical climates. Cover the seed with Yates Seed Raising Mix, firm down and keep moist. Seeds will take around 14-20 days to germinate.
Feed Yates Lamb's Lettuce with Yates Thrive Vegie & Herb Liquid Plant Food each week and begin harvesting from around 10 weeks. Pick individual leaves from the early stages. Plants will continue to grow and can be repeat harvested.
Watch for snails and slugs, particularly while seedlings are small. A light scattering of Yates Blitzem® Snail & Slug Pellets will easily control snails and slugs.