Hot summer days can dry out the soil and Roses can suffer. Roses growing in pots will dry out even quicker than in-ground plants. To help keep Roses healthy during summer, water them deeply 1–2 times a week. Thorough watering moves moisture down deep into the root zone where it's needed. More frequent watering will be required for Roses growing in pots. Whenever watering Roses apply water gently around the base of the plant, rather than watering over the foliage. Water splashing up from the soil or potting mix surface can transfer disease spores onto the leaves and wet leaves can also increase the spread of disease.
An additional step during summer is to use a soil wetter like Yates Waterwise Soil Wetter. It will help break down the waxy, water repellent layer that can develop on the soil or potting mix surface and improve water absorption. Add a capful into a 9 L watering can and apply over the root zone of in-ground or potted roses.
Spreading an organic mulch, like straw or Yates Dynamic Lifter 4 in 1 Mulch, around the root zone of the plant will help to retain moisture in the soil or potting mix, making it another important summer Rose care task.