Bare spots in lawns can be as a result of many different factors, including lawn insect pests, diseases, drought and wear and tear from kids and pets. In addition to ruining the look of the lawn, weeds are opportunistic and will quickly invade bare patches in the lawn if you don't repair them.
Summer is a great time for repairing bare patches with lawn seed, as new grass seedlings can establish quickly with regular watering.
To prepare the bare patch for repair:
- Remove any dead grass or weeds and gently cultivate and loosen the soil to create a nice soft and crumbly surface for the seeds to grow in.
- Scatter Yates Lawn Seed Repair over the patch and gently rake into the surface.
- Yates Lawn Seed Repair contains a premium blend of turf seeds that are ideal for patch repair in both sun or shaded lawns, creating a rich green, fine textured grass cover. Yates Lawn Seed Repair also contains slow release fertiliser that will feed the new patch as it establishes and a natural wetting agent to promote better water absorption into the soil and aid seed germination.
- It's very important to water the patch regularly while the new grass establishes. Watering the patch several times a day may be required in hot, windy or dry weather.
And as we're all keen to enjoy time in our backyards over summer, it's time to control any untidy, prickly or invasive weeds in the lawn like thistles, catsear and capeweed. You can easily control the most common broadleaf weeds in lawns, before they take over, in only a few minutes by using hose-on applicators.
- If you have a couch or kikuyu lawn, apply easy to use hose-on Yates Weed'n'Feed. If you have a buffalo lawn, it's important to choose weed killers that are safe for buffalo. Yates Weed'n'Feed Buffalo Lawn has been specially designed for buffalo lawns. Both Yates Weed'n'Feed and Yates Weed'n'Feed Buffalo Lawn will also give the lawn a quick burst of nutrients to promote healthy rich green growth.
- If you prefer using a pressure sprayer, dilute Yates Lawn Weedkiller Bindii & Clover Concentrate in a sprayer and apply over weed affected lawn areas. This concentrate can also be applied using a watering can.
- For small lawns or small patches of weeds, Yates Lawn Weedkiller For Lawns Spot Spray is a handy ready to use spray for controlling broadleaf weeds in non-buffalo lawns.