Couch Mite Control in Your Lawn
Acari : Eriophyidae
There are several mites that damage Couch grasses in Australia. The mite accepted by scientists as being the 'Couch Mite' or 'Couchgrass Mite' is Aceria cynodoniensis, previously named Eriophyes cynodoniensis. Couch Mite is widespread in Australia.
Couch Mite is a microscopic creature that is hidden inside the sheaths of couch grasses, both common couch grass (Cynodon dactylon) and hybrid couch grass (C. dactylon × C. transvaalensis).
The damage caused by Couch Mites feeding is what you are likely to see, rather than the mites themselves. The damage is typically the tufted rosette growth known as “witches' broom”, and may lead to turf thinning and bare patches. Damage may occur in golf courses, recreation fields, and home garden lawns.