Buffalo grass has broad, light-green leaves and forms a dense, coarse-textured lawn which resists wear and weeds.
It does not set fertile seed and must be established from turf or runners. Buffalo prefers full sunlight but tolerates shade better than most warm season grasses. It tends to become dense and spongy after a few years and requires frequent cutting and renovation to preserve its well-kept appearance.
Generally suited to warm coastal climates, it tolerates heat and dry weather well. Plant runners or lay turf in spring or early summer.
New buffalo cultivars with softer leaves and better shade tolerance are now available. Buffalo is less tolerant than many other grasses to broadleaf weedkillers. The active constituent Dicamba can have a detrimental effect under certain conditions so it is important to only apply a weedkiller that is specifically labelled as safe for buffalo lawns. These are becoming more widely available.