Fine Fescue
Fine Fescues are unique among lawn grasses. They have the finest leaves, the most shade tolerance and the lowest fertiliser and moisture requirements of all varieties.

Fine Fescues are unique among lawn grasses. They have the finest leaves, the most shade tolerance and the lowest fertiliser and moisture requirements of all varieties.
Fine fescue is a name that covers several species with similar features. They include creeping red, Chewings, hard and sheep fescue species.
Seeds germinate in seven to fourteen days and seedlings grow quickly. This gives good protection to slower seedlings in the mixture.
Fine fescue prefers full sunlight but will tolerate partial shade. It needs lenient mowing and is often used in mixtures with other grasses. Lawn seed mixes recommended for use in shady areas usually contain high percentages of fine fescues (such as Chewings fescue and creeping red fescues).