Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky Bluegrass is grown from seed. It is usually only available in seed mixtures. Spreads by underground runners so is self-repairing if damaged.

Kentucky Bluegrass is grown from seed. It is usually only available in seed mixtures. Spreads by underground runners so is self-repairing if damaged.
Kentucky bluegrass is hardier than bent grass and makes an attractive lawn. It withstands extreme cold and frosts in climates like Canberra's, where it is often mixed with other cool-season grasses.
It also does well in warmer districts of southwestern New South Wales, northern Victoria and South Australia, where it is used in mixtures with rye grass and tall fescue.
Kentucky bluegrass lawns are more resistant to wear than most cool-season grasses, but thin out when poorly grown or too closely cut. Apply fertiliser in both spring and early autumn (but not in summer when it is under high temperature stress). Lenient mowing at a cutting height of 3–5 cm is strongly recommended. Sow seed in spring or autumn at 2 kg per 100 square metres.
Seedlings emerge in three to four weeks. Kentucky bluegrass has underground rhizomes that rapidly fill worn areas.