Perennial Ryegrass
Ryegrass mixtures are popular for play areas, swimming pool surrounds and nature strips. They are widely used to give quick cover for large-scale planting on playing fields and parks.

Ryegrass mixtures are popular for play areas, swimming pool surrounds and nature strips. They are widely used to give quick cover for large-scale planting on playing fields and parks.
Ryegrass mixtures are less expensive than those containing 'fine' turf grasses only. They are popular for play areas, swimming pool surrounds and nature strips. They are widely used to give quick cover for large-scale planting on playing fields and parks. They are often used for oversowing warm season sporting fields in Autumn to allow for the wear and tear of sports like football played during winter.
Perennial ryegrass has deep roots and withstands heat and dry weather better than bent grass and Chewings fescue, but requires lenient mowing – a 4 cm cut – for best results.
Ryegrass mixtures are sown at heavier rates (typically 3 to 4 kg per 100 square metres) than most other grasses to form an attractive, hard-wearing lawn.
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