How to Grow Cumquat
Cumquats are known for their very tart citrus flavour and are most commonly used in jams, marmalades and preserves. Many people also enjoy eating cumquats whole, including the fragrant skin, which can be sweeter than the flesh itself. There are several different varieties of cumquats, also called kumquats, including oval fruited 'Nagami' and round 'Marumi'. There's also a cumquat with both variegated leaves and fruit. Cumquats can also be very decorative trees, with their white fragrant flowers and brightly coloured fruit covering the trees from winter to early spring. Cumquats are often grown purely as ornamental trees, however marmalade makers will appreciate a basket of fruit!
Full sun
Slightly acidic, well drained soil
Pick when ripe from mid winter (depending on the variety)
Water regularly