Lace Bug Control in Your Garden
Hemiptera : Tingidae
There are several Lace Bugs of the family Tingidae that are pests in horticulture and agriculture. Lace Bugs usually feed on specific plants or groups of plants, and the common names of the Lace Bugs include the name of the plants they damage. The most common and well-known Lace Bug is the introduced Azalea Lace Bug, which is a pest of Azaleas and Rhododendrons.
The native Olive Lace Bug was restricted to eastern Australia but has spread to all parts of the country where Olives are grown. The native Macadamia Lace Bug feeds on Macadamias and it has become an important pest within the Macadamia industry. The introduced Sycamore Lace Bug is a pest of Plane Trees in gardens, parks and streets.