Capsicum annuum
How to Grow Capsicum
Capsicums, also known as bell peppers, are the sweet cousins of Chillies, so if you can't handle the heat, grow capsicums instead! They're a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C, so they're great for your health and look great in the garden, too. Also, did you know the only difference between green and red Capsicum fruit is the maturity? Red is more mature and sweeter - all the more reason to leave them on the plant until ripe for picking!
Climate Zone, When and Where to Grow
Climate zone: Capsicums can be grown in all areas around Australia.
When to grow: In cool, temperate and subtropical climates, sow Capsicum in early spring, once the danger of frost has passed. You can continue to sow seeds throughout spring and summer. In tropical zones, they can be sown at any time of the year, although they are best during the dry season as they are prone to fungal problems during the wet period. In arid climates, Capsicum can be planted from spring through to autumn.
Where to grow: Grow Capsicums in a sunny spot that receives at least six hours of sunshine a day, in a well-drained garden bed or pot.
Growing time: Capsicums are will ready to harvest anywhere from 10-12 weeks from planting.
When to harvest: When the fruit is large and fully formed. They can be harvested at any stage, but red, orange or yellow is when they're at the most ripe and sweetest.
How to harvest : Cut the stalk using secateurs or a knife.
Full sun
Regular watering
Well drained/sandy soil
Suitable for all climatic zones.
Harvest when fruit is green, but it's best to wait until the fruit walls are firm and strong - this can take up to 10-12 weeks
All year round depending on variety and your location (check the label)