Free Shipping When You Spend $50 or More
Free Shipping When You Spend $50 or More
Seed Count 700
Seed Count 700
Long lasting masses of tiny pink, white, violet and cream blooms.
- Hardy annual
- Sow direct
- Long flowering
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical Autumn & Winter
- Temperate All Year Around
- Cool Spring, Summer & Autumn
Approximate Seed Count
How to Grow
Full sun or part shade
Scatter seed thinly where they are to grow, or raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Barely cover, firm down, water gently and keep moist through germination period. Thin out or transplant when large enough to handle.
Choose a well drained position in full sun or semi-shade. Add Yates Blood & Bone & Yates Hydrangea Pinking Liquid Lime & Dolomite before planting, and fertilise regularly with Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.
Cut back regularly to tidy plants and encourage new growth, or leave spent flowers to self seed. Alyssum attracts beneficial insects to the garden.