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Seed Count 90
Seed Count 90
This highly aromatic compact form of lavender is ideal for low hedging, borders or pots.
- Hardy perennial
- Pots & borders
- Flowers for drying
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical Spring
- Temperate Spring
- Cool Spring
Approximate Seed Count
How to Grow
Full sun
Sow into trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down, water gently and keep moist through germination period. Transplant when large enough to handle into small individual pots. When seedlings are well developed plant out into the garden or larger pot.
Choose a very well-drained, sunny site (these plants do not like over-moist conditions). Add Yates Blood & Bone and Yates Hydrangea Pinking Liquid Lime & Dolomite before planting. Water occasionally during summer and apply Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food to promote growth. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.
Cut back after flushes of flowering to retain shape and promote young healthy growth.